How to Apply

As you apply to the UB School of Dental Medicine, this is your guide to help you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Admissions Timeline Application Instructions

Application Instructions

DDS Application Steps by SDM Student Assistant

Please refer here for details on all 6 steps that must be completed in the application process.


Step 1: Prepare to Apply

Prospective students can begin by reviewing the admission statistics and requirements, learning more about the application process from ADEA, and talking to their pre-health advisor.

Please note that the DDS program requires four years of full-time study; there is no provision for part-time study. The DDS program does not accept transfer students from other dental schools.

Step 2: Apply Through AADSAS

Application to the School of Dental Medicine is made through the American Association of Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS). The completed application submitted to AADSAS will automatically be forwarded to all participating dental schools designated by the applicant. AADSAS formats demographic information and calculates grade point averages in a standardized fashion, but plays no part in the selection process.

Following submission of the application to AADSAS and verification of its accuracy, all contact concerning the application should be made directly with the UB School of Dental Medicine.

There is no secondary or supplemental application in addition to AADSAS. However, there is a Supplemental Application Fee, explained below.

Step 3: Pay the UB Supplemental Application Fee or Request a Waiver

There is a $100 USD supplemental application fee required to apply to the University at Buffalo DDS Program. This application fee:

  • Must be received by the School of Dental Medicine prior to the initial review of the application
  • Is non-refundable
  • Is not credited toward any charges when an accepted applicant registers as a student
  • Is separate from the AADSAS application fee
  • Can be paid online at UBePay

Request a Supplemental Application Fee Waiver

Supplemental application fee waivers are available to students who demonstrate unusual financial need. There are two ways to request the $85 application fee waiver:

1. Applicants who have been approved for the ADEA AADSAS Fee Assistance Program should submit a copy of approval via e-mail to


2. Provide sufficient documentation of your participation as an undergraduate student in an EOP, HEOP or SEEK program, or as an undergraduate participant in the CSTEP, MARC, PREP, RISE, LSAMP or McNair Scholar programs on any campus, or as an applicant through Project 1000. Please submit a copy of partipation via e-mail to

2023-24 ADEA AADSAS® Fee Assistance Program.

Step 4: Make Sure Your Application Is Complete, And You Are Verified in the AADSAS Portal

Our admissions committee will send you an e-mail notification once your application is complete. You are welcome to e-mail the admissions office with any questions.

AADSAS Verification

AADSAS verification is the process by which AADSAS verifies your dental school transcripts and calculates your GPA. Our admissions committee uses AADSAS verified transcripts and grades when reviewing your application. Please note that our school does not verify AADSAS applications. You will be able to see in your AADSAS portal if your AADSAS application has been verified.

Step 5: Attend an Interview (If Invited)

  • Following initial review of applications, selected applicants are invited to interview to meet with faculty and students, and to acquaint themselves with the facilities of the School of Dental Medicine and the university.
  • An integral part of the admissions process, the interview provides an opportunity for members of the Student Admissions Committee to become acquainted with applicants.
  • Interviews will take place between mid-September and February each academic year.
NOTE: Online vs. On Campus Interviews
  • Interviews may take place online or in person pending future circumstances.
  • Those chosen to intervew will receive further instructions.
  • Students who interview online and are admitted will have the abiliy to visit the school at a later time.  

Step 6: Wait for a Decision

Following the visit to the school, the applicant’s application is presented to the Student Admissions Committee. After a complete review, an admission decision is reached by a vote of the entire committee, and applicants are informed by mail of the committee's decision beginning December 1.

Applications will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee only after the following steps have been completed:

• The AADSAS application (including official DAT scores taken within a valid timeline) has been made available to the UB School of Dental Medicine through AADSAS

• Transcript verification has been completed by AADSAS (if you’ve completed your application but your transcripts haven’t been verified by January 24, 2022, you can still be considered; however, our committee will not give your application a full file review until you have been verified in the AADSAS portal)

• Letters of evaluation from either a preprofessional committee (preferred) or three required individual faculty letters of evaluation have been made available to the UB School of Dental Medicine through AADSAS

• The Supplemental Application Fee is paid (or waiver approved)

The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine adheres to the University at Buffalo’s Statement of Non-Discrimination.

Contact Us

Phone: 716-829-6925
Fax: 716-829-2731
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F

DDS Admissions
School of Dental Medicine
315 Squire Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY  14214