
* Exterior of Squire.

The DDS Program cost of attendance is the total estimated expenses for four years of dental school. This includes tuition, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses. Learn more about our cost of attendance, financial aid, and scholarship opportunities below.

Costs of Attendance Financial Aid Scholarships

Cost of Attendance

Find out how much it costs to attend UB, and learn if you qualify for financial aid and scholarships.

DDS Estimated Cost of Attendance

In addition to tuition and fees charged by the University, the DDS Program has specific fees and requirements. The following table will help you gain a better sense of overall costs:

Tuition Cost

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Tuition, Resident $37,640 $37,640 $37,640 $37,640 $150,560
Tuition, Non-Resident $64,850
$64,850 $64,850 $64,850 $259,400
Tuition, Non-Resident to Resident* $64,850 $37,640 $37,640 $37,640 $177,770
* For students who establish in-state residency after one year as a non-resident (1 year non-resident, 3 years resident)

Your eligibility for New York State tuition rates is based upon your residency in New York State, and showing that you have established a New York State domicile that is your permanent and principal home. For more information please click here

Educational Expenses (Excluding Tuition)

a - University Direct Charges

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Comprehensive Fee $2,333 $2,333 $2,333 $2,333 $9,332
Acad Excellence & Success Fee $525 $525
Activity Fee $200 $200
Student Medical Insurance $2,903 $2,903 $2,903 $2,903 $11,612
Yearbook Fee $65 $65
Clinic Mgmt System (CMS) Fee $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $40,000
Gross Anatomy Fee (1st yr only) $315 - - - $315
Simulation Clinic Fee $328 - $173 $134 $635
Direct Student Loan Origination Fee $220 $220
     a - Subtotal $16,889 $16,246 $16,419 $16,380 $65,934
International Student Fee $220

b - Out-of-Pocket Educational Expenses

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Magnification Loupes (1st yr only) $1,500 - - - $1,500
Notebook Computer (1st yr only) $2,500 - - - $2,500
Supply Purchase $11,256 $8,882 $2,275 - $22,413
National Board Fees - - $845 - $845
Books (Estimate Only) $1,030 $1,786 $1,628 $413 $4,857
Examplify Testing Software $89 $89
CPR Fee $55 - $55 - $110
ADEX (4th yr only) - - - $2,560 $2,560
Residency Applications (4th yr only) - - - $3,075 $3,075
     b - Subtotal $16,238 $9,594 $4,356 $6,157 $38,216

Living Expenses

c - Living Expenses D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Housing $12,690 $12,690 $12,690 $12,690 $50,760
Board Allowance $4,620 $4,620 $4,620 $4,620 $18,480
Personal Allowance $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $9,360
Transportation Allowance $2,860 $2,860 $2,860 $2,860 $11,440
     c - Subtotal $22,510 $22,510

Total Expenses (Tuition + Educational Expenses + Living Expenses)

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Resident $93,469 $87,153 $81,461 $82,667 $344,750
Non-Resident $120,679 $114,363 $108,671 $109,877 $453,590
Non-Resident to Resident * $120,679 $87,153 $81,461 $82,667

For students who establish in-state residency after one year as a non-resident (1 year non-resident, 3 years resident)

Expense Details

Did You Know?

According to the Commission on Dental Education, NYS residents who attended UB Dental paid nearly $23,000 less in total expenses through 4 years when compared to the National Average.

ADEA Resources

Contact Us

Phone: 716-829-6925
Fax: 716-829-2731
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F

DDS Admissions
School of Dental Medicine
315 Squire Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY  14214