If you need help financing your education, U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens should apply for federal financial aid by filling out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online. The FAFSA application is required for any student wishing to apply for federal aid including all federal loans. The FAFSA collects the student’s household financial information to determine their eligibility for all of the federal financial aid programs.
You may receive more detailed information by visiting UB’s Financial Aid website or by making an appointment with a financial aid advisor.
Financial Aid - School of Dental Medicine
104 Harriman Hall, South Campus
Phone: (716) 645-8232
This video will help potential dental students understand recent and possible changes in financial aid and loans that may impact their ability to finance their dental education, how to control the cost of dental school and how to prepare for repayment after they graduate, regardless of career plans.
There are several financial aid options available to help fund school: Grants & scholarships, Work Study, Fellowships & Traineeships, & Education Tax Breaks.
When determining how to finance your dental education, it is important to do a lot of research and be informed of all your financing options.