DDS Estimated Cost of Attendance

In addition to tuition and fees charged by the University, the DDS Program has specific fees and requirements.

The following table will help you gain a better sense of overall costs:

Tuition Cost

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Tuition, Resident $38,580 $38,580 $38,580 $38,580 $154,320
Tuition, Non-Resident $66,800
$66,800 $66,800 $66,800 $267,200
Tuition, Non-Resident to Resident* $64,850 $37,640 $37,640 $37,640 $177,770
* For students who establish in-state residency after one year as a non-resident (1 year non-resident, 3 years resident)

Your eligibility for New York State tuition rates is based upon your residency in New York State, and showing that you have established a New York State domicile that is your permanent and principal home. For more information please click here

Educational Expenses (Excluding Tuition)

a - University Direct Charges

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Comprehensive Fee $2,333 $2,333 $2,333 $2,333 $9,332
Acad Excellence & Success Fee $525 $525
Activity Fee $200 $200
Student Medical Insurance $2,903 $2,903 $2,903 $2,903 $11,612
Yearbook Fee $65 $65
Clinic Mgmt System (CMS) Fee $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $40,000
Gross Anatomy Fee (1st yr only) $315 - - - $315
Simulation Clinic Fee $328 - $173 $134 $635
Direct Student Loan Origination Fee $220 $220
     a - Subtotal $16,889 $16,246 $16,419 $16,380 $65,934
International Student Fee $220

b - Out-of-Pocket Educational Expenses

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Magnification Loupes (1st yr only) $1,500 - - - $1,500
Notebook Computer (1st yr only) $2,500 - - - $2,500
Supply Purchase $11,256 $8,882 $2,275 - $22,413
National Board Fees - - $845 - $845
Books (Estimate Only) $1,030 $1,786 $1,628 $413 $4,857
Examplify Testing Software $89 $89
CPR Fee $55 - $55 - $110
ADEX (4th yr only) - - - $2,560 $2,560
Residency Applications (4th yr only) - - - $3,075 $3,075
     b - Subtotal $16,238 $9,594 $4,356 $6,157 $38,216

Living Expenses

c - Living Expenses D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Housing $12,690 $12,690 $12,690 $12,690 $50,760
Board Allowance $4,620 $4,620 $4,620 $4,620 $18,480
Personal Allowance $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $9,360
Transportation Allowance $2,860 $2,860 $2,860 $2,860 $11,440
     c - Subtotal $22,510 $22,510

Total Expenses (Tuition + Educational Expenses + Living Expenses)

  D1 D2 D3 D4 Total
Resident $93,469 $87,153 $81,461 $82,667 $344,750
Non-Resident $120,679 $114,363 $108,671 $109,877 $453,590
Non-Resident to Resident * $120,679 $87,153 $81,461 $82,667

For students who establish in-state residency after one year as a non-resident (1 year non-resident, 3 years resident)

Expense Details

Did You Know?

According to the Commission on Dental Education, NYS residents who attended UB Dental paid nearly $23,000 less in total expenses through 4 years when compared to the National Average.

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