Our Student Wellness Committee organizes a variety of activities to help students take a break from the academics. Here at UB we offer many services that help students relax from schoolwork and encourage a positive healthy lifestyle.
Massage therapy is offered to give students an opportunity to relax after class. This past semester, it was held after school in a quiet atmosphere. Over forty students received a brief, but effective chair massage.
Fruit is distributed at the Student Cafe and Student Lounge twice a week for the dental students. Bringing fruit to the students helps healthier eating habits and provides snacking alternatives throughout their school day.
Dogs are available to play with during lunch hours for students throughout the academic year. Dogs can help reduce stress; after students visited and played with these puppies they left energized and relieved for their afternoon classes.
Take advantage of free chiropractic at the UB Michael Hall Student Health Center on South Campus. Chiropractic can help with back pain, neck pain, headaches, extremity issues and help improve posture. Our hours are Monday 1-5 pm, Wednesday 9-12pm, 1-5 pm and Friday 9-1 pm.
The Step Out for Wellness Challenge helps students ensure they are keeping track of their physical health and well-being by calculating their daily steps.
Finals time is very stressful for all students. Here at UB Dental we offer study breaks with refreshments and a variety of veggies and dip, Greek yogurt, granola bars, and fruit juice. This encourages students to take a wellness break while studying for finals.
UB Dental Run for Smiles 5k is a fundraiser race that UB dental students and the community attend to help raise money that goes towards CARES and BOCA programs. This encourages students to promote wellness for a good cause.
Stop by our student lounge to take a break and play some board games with your peers!
Yoga is a very helpful way to keep the mind relaxed. This past semester, 12 sessions of free yoga was offered to help students better their physical and mental health. Yoga allows participants to move around, check in with their bodies and release tension.
Coming soon is our new ping pong room! Students will be able to enjoy some down time playing ping pong with their friends and peers.
UB offers students a wide variety of sports at both the club and intramural level. These leagues offer a great opportunity to stay healthy while having fun and building relationships with your peers.
Dental School can be stressful, and it is important as students to understand how to de-stress and cope in a healthy way. Wellness journals provide a great avenue to help reduce stress and manage your well-being as a Dental Student.