Pre-Dental Summer Program

About the Program

The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine is offering a Pre-Dental Summer Program for undergraduate students interested in Dental School. This two day program will offer pre-dental students the opportunity to experience the daily life of a dental student. Students will be able to converse with current dental students, professors and faculty. In addition, participants will get hands on experince in the pre-clinic. 


To be determined.

What Does It Include?

This program will include information sessions, meals, dental supplies. Housing will not be included.  


What Does It Look Like?

Calendar is tentative and is subject to change. 

  DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3
9:00 AM Welcome Breakfast & Overview Breakfast & Tour of School Breakfast 
10:00 Dr. Hatton Head & Neck Exam Faculty Presentation Drill N Chill      
11:00 Scanning Impressions 

DAT Exam/ Applications/

Director of Admissions

Take Home Lunch            
12:00 Lunch  
1:00 Infection Control Training Clinic Shadowing  
2:00 Radiographs with Dr. Donnelly  
3:00 Learn - A Prep  Coffee Break/ Faculty Presentation  
4:00 Waxing   
5:00 Dinner/ Social Event  
6:00   Dinner/ Community Service @ Soup Kitchen    