Second Year

* two students working in the pre clinic image.

A major segment of the second-year curriculum is devoted to the acquisition of psychomotor skills and training in the basic procedures of patient treatment. In addition to preclinical courses, students spend significant time studying the basic sciences of microbiology and general pathology.


What to Expect

  • Instruction is also provided in oral radiology, occlusal diagnosis and therapy, and biomaterials. 
  • The fall semester of the second year is perhaps the most demanding semester in the four-year curriculum. 
  • In addition to the two basic science courses, second-year students are enrolled in preclinical courses in operative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics, and removable prosthodontics.
  • D2 students see many changes from their first year in the Dental school. In comparison to D1's, D2 students have the pre-clinical course twice as often, from 2 times a week up to 4. 
  • There is also an increase in the didactic course load, with an Introduction to Dentistry Course as well as courses in biological sciences. D2 students receive an introduction to the clinic through the Radiology course, as well as through assisting D3s and D4s in the clinic and performing cleanings on live patients.

2nd Year Photo Gallery

Click below to view our second year slideshow!

Clinical Experience

  • During the second-year clinical experience, students work very closely with faculty members. The school's faculty-student ratio supports an environment of interaction and guidance; faculty members go through the procedures with students step-by-step, offering feedback and guidance.
  • In the fall semester of the second year, students spend one afternoon each week treating periodontal recall patients (patients who have completed periodontal therapy at the school and return for periodic evaluation). With the guidance of faculty, students review patients' medical histories, perform oral examinations, evaluate their periodontal status, and provide oral prophylaxis and home-care instructions. 
  • Second-year students also assist third- and fourth-year students, which allows second-year students to become familiar with the operation of the clinics and to observe the practical application of principles presented in their preclinical courses.
  • In the spring semester, students are assigned to one of four practice groups for the remainder of their clinical training. Students spend three half-days each week in the clinic and are assigned between four and eight patients with selective needs to begin the clinical experience in restorative dentistry. 
  • Under the guidance of faculty, students learn the basics of diagnosis, treatment planning, and local anesthesia as they prepare and restore teeth with amalgam, composite resin, and cast restorations and provide periodontal therapy.
  • In the summer of the second year, students are assigned a group of patients with a broad range of treatment needs and begin to provide comprehensive care. Under the guidance of the faculty, students evaluate both the general and oral health of each patient and formulate a treatment plan to meet their oral-health needs. 
  • Students provide care in the areas of periodontics, endodontics, operative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics, and removable prosthodontics. Students are responsible for meeting the treatment needs of their assigned patients.

Year 2 Curriculum

Take a look at the tables below to view the curriculum for both fall and spring of the second year at UB Dental. Click the links below to view full course descriptions for each semester as well!

Fall Semester

CLD 821 Clinical Dentistry II
CLD 827 Integrated Dental Practice II
ODS 821 Oral Radiology Technique
ORB 820 Nutrition In the Practice of Dental Medicine
ORB 825 Oral Sciences & Preventive Dentistry I
OSU 822 Regional Anesthesia
PER 821 Intro to Perio & Prevention
PER 822 Intro to Clinical Periodontics
PAS 600 Pathology
PDO 836 Principle of Public Health
RDN 811 Cariology & Direct Restorations Lecture & Lab
RDN 813 Indirect Restorations Lecture & Lab
RDN 824 Removable Prosthodontics I Lecture & Lab

Spring Semester

CLD 822 Clinical Dentistry II
ODS 822 Oral Radiology Clinic I
ODS 824 Evaluation of Medically Complex Patient
ODS 825 Oral Pathology I
ORB 826 Oral Sciences & Prevent Dent. II
PER 811 Endodontics I
PER 812 Preclinical Lab I - Endodontics
RDN 814 Indirect Restorations Lecture & Lab II
RDN 821 Ethics & Law in Practice Management
RDN 826 Removable Prosthodontics Lecture & Lab II
RDN 827 Implant Dentistry I

Contact Us

Phone: 716-829-6925
Fax: 716-829-2731
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F

DDS Admissions
School of Dental Medicine
315 Squire Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY  14214