Faculty Development

This page provides information on professional development opportunities, including STEER and other mentoring programs, as well as guidance on promotion and tenure policies and procedures.

Mentoring | Development Promotion & Tenure Faculty Development Teaching Research Service

Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

Academic promotion and tenure seek to recognize and reward faculty excellence. For purposes of promotion, excellence is defined in terms of contributions to one’s profession, rather than excellence in carrying out one’s job responsibilities, such as patient care, teaching or administration. These documents outline the standards for promotion and provide guidance for all faculty regarding promotion and tenure.

Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

As Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Robert Granfield is the senior executive officer responsible to the provost for all matters pertaining to UB’s faculty. He and his staff help facilitate a culture of faculty excellence at the university in the areas of research, teaching, and service. The primary duties of the vice provost for faculty affairs include coordinating the university’s promotion and tenure process; welcoming and orienting new faculty to UB; assisting deans, department chairs, and faculty with issues associated with hiring and retention; building programs to orient new department chairs and improve their management skills; facilitating the nomination process for national, internal, and SUNY awards; and partnering with the vice provost for inclusive excellence to develop proactive strategies for enhancing faculty diversity.

Simone Duarte

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and EDI; Professor

Department of Restorative Dentistry

325 Squire Hall

Phone: (716) 829-2836

Email: simonedu@buffalo.edu