Faculty Development

This page provides information on professional development opportunities, including STEER and other mentoring programs, as well as guidance on promotion and tenure policies and procedures.

Mentoring | Development Promotion & Tenure Faculty Development Teaching Research Service
Steer 2023 group.

STEER Program

STEER stands for Support, Training, Early-career Enhancement and Retention.

The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine's Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion launched the inaugural program on July 1, 2023, under the leadership of Dr. Thikriat Al-Jewair (founder), Dr. Debra Stamm (STEER director) and Ms. Jessica Scates (director of EDI operations).

The program is designed to meet the unique needs of dental professionals at the SDM. With its strategic curriculum and networking opportunities, STEER is an ideal catalyst for our faculty and staff as they strive to reach their career aspirations. 

Faculty Advancement Seminar.

Faculty Advancement Seminars & Events

An annual seminar series devoted to professional development. Seminar topics include career and leadership development, research excellence, inclusive teaching, and work-life balance.

Pre-Recorded Sessions

Upcoming Events

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

NCFDD is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for faculty members, postdocs, and graduate students dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. UB's institutional membership offers an array of resources to all faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.

SUNY Center for Professional Development (SUNY CPD)

SUNY Center for Professional Development (SUNY CPD) is a cooperative, voluntary organization funded by its members and the State University of New York system. Located under the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the SUNY CPD creates and delivers customized programs for skill and knowledge development in various technical, and teaching and learning areas.

American Dental Education Association

As the voice of dental education, ADEA's mission is to lead and support the health professions community in preparing future-ready oral health professionals.

UB Faculty Development and Mentoring Policy

All schools are expected to provide development opportunities for all faculty. The UB Faculty Development and Mentoring Policy was established by the Office of the Provost out of a commitment to create a positive culture of faculty development and mentoring in support of a successful faculty.

Simone Duarte

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and EDI; Professor

Department of Restorative Dentistry

325 Squire Hall

Phone: (716) 829-2836

Email: simonedu@buffalo.edu