Annual Requirements

One-stop shopping for compliance training modules, credentialing, CE opportunities, and UB Profile (web-based data collection and reporting program, including annual reports).

All faculty are required to complete training and other compliance activities on a regular basis. This list is meant as a guide to these requirements.

Faculty Annual Review: Activity Update

Please update your UBProfile information prior to your annual faculty-chair review.

UB Profile

UB Profile is a data management tool that allows you to update scholarly, teaching, and service activities, and future goals in these areas. Data are used to create reports utilized in faculty-chair annual reviews, as well as for other SDM reporting requirements.


SDM Training

These modules are located in the SDM Mandatory Training course in Brightspace, and must be completed by Aug. 31:

  • Compliance
  • Infection Control

Faculty may also be required to complete the following:

  • Investigator Financial Disclosure (due Nov. 1; email reminder from
  • NYS Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Financial Disclosure (due Nov. 15; email reminder from

Training programs that must be completed every three years:


  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (email from Office of EDI in August or September; due Dec. 15)
  • Statement of Financial Disclosure (due Nov. 15; email reminder sent from


Continuing Education

Advance your career with Continuing Dental Education (CDE) from the UB School of Dental Medicine. Here, you will find high-quality programs to meet your professional needs.


Faculty and staff use UB EDGE to document, track, report and deliver learning activities in a central online solution. UB EDGE is a user-friendly system, allowing you to easily discover learning activities that align with your performance plans and daily work experience.

Simone Duarte, DDS, MS, PhD

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and EDI; Professor

Department of Restorative Dentistry

325 Squire Hall

Phone: (716) 829-2836
