Awards and Recognition

This page lists opportunities for awards, fellowships and scholarships, as well as other types of recognition for faculty.

SDM Awards

Alan J. Gross Award for Excellence in Teaching

Dr. Alan J. Gross Photo.

Dr. Alan J. Gross (1927-1998) was a well-liked and highly respected member of the SDM faculty who was also a passionate student advocate. In addition to teaching clinical and didactic courses, he served as director of faculty development at the school. The Alan J. Gross Award for Excellence in Teaching honors his memory and the commitment he made to teaching excellence.

Educator of the Year

This faculty member, who receives the annual Yearbook dedication, is chosen by the graduating class. In addition, this individual leads the commencement procession, carrying the ceremonial mace.

Charles S. Lipani Award

The Charles S. Lipani Award is presented to a faculty or staff member to recognize their outstanding contribution to the school, faculty, or dental profession.

William M. Feagans Award

Dr. William M. Feagans was dean of the School of Dental Medicine from 1970 to 1993. Established originally by the Dental Student Association, the award is presented to a faculty or staff member nominated by the current senior class. This recipient encompasses the finest aspects of academic dentistry, while balancing the challenges of "real life" dentistry and student life.

Richard A. Powell Award

The Richard A. Powell Award is presented to a faculty member who, in the considered judgment of faculty and students, is an outstanding dental educator. 

University Awards and Recognition

Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs is committed to facilitating and enhancing the recognition of our world-class faculty. The Awards and Recognition page highlights the variety of awards and honors available to faculty, shares best practices, publicizes related events and workshops, and celebrates the exceptional work of UB’s faculty.

Simone Duarte, DDS, MS, PhD

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and EDI; Professor

Department of Restorative Dentistry

325 Squire Hall

Phone: (716) 829-2836
