The Office of Faculty Affairs promotes faculty professional development through programming, support services and communications regarding opportunities for career advancement. The director of faculty affairs also works with department chairs and other administrators to align efforts with the university’s goals of faculty excellence in teaching, research and service.

New Faculty

Whether you’re new to the area or just new to the School of Dental Medicine, we have resources to help you get your bearings and provide support for your career goals!

Faculty Development

Find information on professional development opportunities, including STEER and other mentoring programs, as well as guidance on promotion and tenure policies and procedures.

Policy & Governance

Bylaws of the Voting Faculty, descriptions of SDM Standing Committees and Councils and information on university governance (Faculty Senate).

Annual Requirements

One-stop shopping for compliance training modules, credentialing, CE opportunities and UB Profile (web-based data collection and reporting program, including annual reports).

For More Information

Simone Duarte

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and EDI; Professor

Department of Restorative Dentistry

325 Squire Hall

Phone: (716) 829-2836
