Our Programs

From Destination Dental School, our award-winning pathway program for underrepresented students, to curriculum that explores structural and systemic inequities and oral health outcomes, to professional development and mentoring programs for faculty and staff, we are taking steps to ensure all members of our community succeed and thrive. 

Featured Programs and Events

  • Events
    Check out the events in our Inclusive Excellence series. 
  • Destination Dental School
    Destination Dental School is an intense gateway experience for undergraduate students and bachelor degree recipients who are interested in a career in dentistry. This program prepares individuals who have been historically underrepresented in the profession to successfully apply to dental school.
  • Support, Training, Early-career Enhancement, and Retention (STEER)
    Effective mentoring programs guide early- to mid-career professionals toward successful, independent careers. They contribute to career goal achievement, excellence in teaching, research and scholarship, and an increase in professional development and satisfaction. Effective mentoring programs are important components to hiring and retention. However, surveyed dental schools show low levels of mentoring programs, and according to a January 2022 climate survey at the University at Buffalo (UB) School of Dental Medicine (SDM), 57% of staff and 48% of faculty disagree or are neutral about receiving adequate mentorship and professional development and employees who are underrepresented minorities by race/ethnicity (URM) report twice as much disagreement (50% vs. 24%) than their non-URM peers.
  • D1 Orientation to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
    The University at Buffalo is a diverse, inclusive scholarly community dedicated to bringing the benefits of our research, scholarship, creative activities, and educational excellence to local and global communities in ways that impact and positively change the world. With this mission as our guide, UB is committed to exploring, understanding, and responding to racism and systemic inequality. The UB President’s Advisory Council on Race has identified four key focus areas of attention to guide and shape UB’s policies, programs, activities, and traditions: recruitment and retention of students, recruitment, hiring, and retention of faculty and staff, community engagement, and through curriculum and teaching.
  • Safe Learning
    To achieve excellence across all biomedical and STEM disciplines, we are committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive research and learning environment for all — free of mistreatment, harassment and discrimination.
  • Paul Ziarnowski Award for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
    The UB School of Dental Medicine's annual Student Research Day highlights the broad range of scholarship produced by SDM students and residents. in 2023, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Office established the Paul Ziarnowski Award for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Research. Research posters eligible for this award have a focus on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion, for example: health disparities, social justice issues,  mental health, diversity in the profession, etc. 

Request Our Support

Are you a member of an SDM student group? We'd like to support the work you are doing! Send a request for support via email to Jessica Scates at jmscates@buffalo.edu outlining the following information:

  1. Program title, date, location
  2. Main contact information
  3. Program goals, objectives and expected outcomes
  4. Budget

Requests should be sent at least 2 months before the proposed event.