Check out the events in our Inclusive Excellence series.
Rick Guidotti, Fashion Photographer and Founder of Positive Exposure
UB School of Dental Medicine Inclusive Excellence Seminar
Monday, February 5 | 6-8pm
UB South Campus - location will be communicated closer to the date
Registration is required to attend this event. Register in advance to attend.
Mr. Rick Guidotti is an award-winning fashion photographer who has worked in NYC, Milan, Paris and London for high profile clients including Yves St. Laurent, Revlon and L’Oreal. Rick founded Positive Exposure, a non-profit that utilizes the arts, film and narratives to present the humanity and dignity of individuals living with genetic, physical, behavioral and intellectual disabilities. Join us to hear about his work. Refreshments will be served.
About the Faculty Advancement Series
Mentoring faculty members, especially those from underrepresented minority backgrounds, is essential to the UB School of Dental Medicine’s (SDM) success and to the field of dental medicine. Mentoring can have a significant impact on faculty retention rate, personal satisfaction, and career and leadership development. The SDM Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office is committed to developing a robust mentoring program to ensure the professional growth and personal satisfaction of our faculty. A first step toward this goal is the establishment of a Faculty Advancement Series.