Students of the UB School of Dental Medicine are responsible for maintaining high ethical standards. They have a responsibility to understand, respect, and follow federal, state, and local laws as well as all university policies and procedures applicable to their jobs. Compliance is central to how we do our work.
The following training modules are mandated or recommended by the SDM. All mandated training modules must be completed as soon as possible, and must be completed prior to arrival on May 5, 2025. Clinical privileges may be withheld until mandatory training is completed.
Links to all Training Module websites can be found at:
** You will need your UBIT name and password to access the site **
**You will receive your UBIT name and password through the UB Applicant Portal.
If you're unable to access your UBIT name and/or password,
Please contact the UB IT Help Center
1. HIPAA Privacy and Security
2. Compliance
3. Infection Control/Blood-Borne Pathogen/Hazard Communication
Please contact: Jeanne Von Euw
Administrative Assistant, Office of Student Affairs