"mobile dental unit".

Dental Loupes - Vendor Information

Important Message from Dr. Hema Arany, IDP Program Director

Welcome to School of Dental Medicine. Our “Ten Week Summer Intense Program” will start on May 5, 2025.

  • During the online test I explained the eye-protection policy at our school. In the clinics masks and eye protection glasses are mandatory.  Ill -fitting construction workers type glasses cause fogging when masks are worn.  Therefore, I suggest that you invest and purchase a good fitting pair of eyeglasses (protective lenses). I recommend also that they be scratch resistant lenses.
  • It is also our policy that student’s working with rotary instruments in the clinic or lab use eye protection.  This applies to those students who wear prescription lenses as well as those who have 20/20 vision.  Please note that you will get a pair of protective lenses in your kit, they are meant for your patients, not you.
  • Dental loupes with a 2.5x magnification is “mandated” for direct and indirect restorative work.  Having them at the start of our program will enhance your progress.  (3x magnification is not acceptable in the restorative clinic as it hinders peripheral vision.)
  • Protective eyeglasses and Dental Loupe cost is not included in the program fees.
  • I am attaching info on the two loupe vendor’s that we use in our school. Both vendors will be at the school during your first week here so you can then order them if you have not already and they will fit you at that time.

**Loupe lights are optional (not mandated)

Loupes Vendors

Design for Vision


Ken Jakiel– Northeast Regional Sales Manager


Phone number: 716-574-9624

Design for Vision Loupe Information



Gregg Brown – Senior District Sales Manager


Phone #: 412-302-6739

Additional Orascoptic Loupe Information

Prescription Loupes

If you need eyewear Rx built into your loupes, you will need to have a copy of the eyewear Rx (Not contact Rx). If you will manage your vision correction with contacts, it will not be needed.

Loupes Questions

If you have any questions regarding the loupe purchase, please email me or my helpers.

Dr. Hema Arany, Director of IDP: hemaaran@buffalo.edu

Christine Lee- Assistant to the IDP Director: celee@buffalo.edu