
Download the latest SDM DDS Syllabus template in MSWord format

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Log in to View Advanced Education Syllabi (UBIT name and password required)

The syllabus is an important part of curriculum management because it contains everything about the intended experience of a course; goals, purpose, outcomes, grading, the competencies the course contains or contributes to,  and specific policies.  Syllabus documents need to be consistent with education planning and goals of the predoctoral curriculum, follow the current School of Dental Medicine template, and be available for our students, faculty and staff in a timely manner each semester. The Syllabus database is maintained by the Office of Academic Affairs. Faculty, students and staff with active UBIT accounts may login and view syllabi for the current academic year.



Collected and reviewed by Academic Affairs

Posted to the Syllabus database



July 1

July 15



December 1

December 15

Early Fall 


April 1

April 15