STEER-Staff Fellow Application

UB SDM invites interested allied dental health professionals to apply for the STEER staff fellowship. 

Application Deadline

All applications are due by October 23, 2023.

Benefits to Fellows

  1. Receive financial support and recognition. Fellow support includes registration to one national meeting on academic leadership or teaching. Examples include the annual meeting of the American Dental Education Association or the International Association for Dental Research. Fellows are also eligible for an annual early-mid-career award.
  2. Define and regularly evaluate your career goals. Receive regular, constructive advice from your STEER mentor, that will support your clinical practice, teaching, service, and overall professional development (may include development of your portfolio).
  3. Expand your network at UB, SUNY, and in your field. Learn from established colleagues in the field during closed-group bi-monthly ‘Expert Insight’ presentations.
  4. Collaborate with your peers during your bi-monthly STEER cohort meetings.
  5. Increase your understanding of important, timely topics for your professional development (for example: understand the promotion and tenure process and expectations for tenure and non-tenure professionals at UB).

Fellow Responsibilities and Expectations

  1. Meet with your mentor(s) regularly (1 meeting per month).
    - Develop a mentorship plan with your mentor(s). Your plan should create the ground work toward your successful, independent scholarship.
    - Define and review an Individual Development Plan and subsequent career goals.
    - Complete a 6-month review meeting with your mentor.
  2. Actively engage and participate in structured program activities.
  3. Meet with all staff fellows and the SDM Office of EDI semi-annually to monitor and assess mentorships, progress toward meeting professional goals, plans for the coming year, and to evaluate the mentoring program.
  4. Review and follow best practices for mentoring staff fellows.
    Elements of Effective Mentoring - Office of the Provost - University at Buffalo
    Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring.pdf (
    - Career Resources for Allied Dental Health Professionals - ADA

Apply to be a STEER Staff Fellow

Which of the following describe you? Please select all that apply
Which of the following describe you? Please select all that apply
Within which age group do you fall?
Within which age group do you fall?
What expertise are you most interested in obtaining from a mentoring relationship? [Select all that apply]
What expertise are you most interested in obtaining from a mentoring relationship? [Select all that apply]