Explore our alumni's impactful research and their contributions to advancing the field of orthodontics.
Year | Researcher | Project Title |
1961 | Fonseca, Conrad C. | Predicting the mesiodistal width of the canine-premolar segments of maxillary dental arches. |
1966 | Kraut, Stuart Marshall. | The position of the hyoid bone in angle class I, class II, and class III dental relationships |
1966 | Rennert, Michael D. | The relationship between delayed physical maturity and malocclusion |
1966 | Wood, Barry F. | Denture mold separators as a cause of staining around porcelain denture teeth |
1967 | McFarlane, Walter James. | Correlation of skeletal and dental age indices in children grouped according to the occlusion of first permanent molar teeth |
1967 | Staker, Joan Carol. | A comparison of mandibular first premolar morphological trait similarities in twins |
1968 | Drawbridge, Geoffrey Michael. | Interrelationships among area and perimeter of the maxillary apical base and dental arch in twins |
1968 | Stewart, Lamon A. | An investigation of the skeletal maturity level of osseous facial profile in twins |
1969 | Geiger, Harry L. | Dental and skeletal development in children receiving prolonged corticosteroid therapy |
Year | Researcher | Project Title |
1970 | Jackson, Robert S. | Differences in crown size and shape of the lower first permanent molars in monozygotic and dizygotic twins |
1970 | Staley, Robert N. | Discordance in the dental morphology of human monozygotic twins |
1972 | Dunn, Gwendolyn Faye. | A study of the variation of mandibular morphology and variation in nasopharyngeal airway size in monozygotic twins |
1974 | Freer, Kenneth F. | Genetic variability of the oro-nasomaxillary complex in twins assessed by areal measurement |
1978 | Dueringer, John W. | Mandibular incisor axial inclination : a comparison of measurement methods |
1979 | Khshan, Jamil A. | The Effect of orthodontic tooth separation on EMG silent periods of orthodontic patients |
Year | Reseacher | Project Title |
1983 | Reed, Ingrid. | Anterior open-bite : a comparison of measurement methods |
1984 | Copeland, Scott. | Root resorption in maxillary central incisors following active orthodontic treatment |
1984 | Goldstein, Bruce M. | The Effect of class II deep bite correction on vertical facial proportionality |
1985 | Gallo, Louis S. | A Comparison of psychological, social, and economic variables between patients treated with lingual and labial orthodontic appliances |
1988 | Koch, Keith W. | Effects of a reduced etchant time on the shear strength of bonded orthodontic brackets |
1988 | Spafford, David C. | Plaque accumulation and gingival response of orthodontic patients wearing invisible retainers |
1989 | Konys, David M. | A comparison of shear bond strength between two orthodontic indirect bonding techniques |
1989 | Parker, Michael. | Heat stability of orthodontic retainer base resins |
1989 | Zuch, Allen M. | Evaluation of a removable magnetic orthodontic appliance for retracting maxillary first permanent molars in class II, division I malocclusions |
Year | Reseacher | Project Title |
1990 | Dykes, Gregory E. | The effects of various retentive ceramic bracket bases on shear bond strength |
1992 | Kaneshiro, Roger J. | The curve of Spee in Chinese and Caucasians |
1992 | Kohl, Andrew C. | Leukotriene B₄ effects on tissue-plasminogen activator production in osteoblastic osteosarcoma cells |
1992 | Sheehan, Siobhan M. | Effects of premolar extraction on the facial profile of american blacks and caucasians |
1993 | Falsafi, Rebecca. | Effect of aspirin on orthodontic tooth movement |
1993 | McLuckie, W. Charles. | Effects of slow maxillary expansion on mandibular arch width |
1994 | Tibbetts, John R. | The effectiveness of three orthodontic retention systems: a short-term clinical study |
1996 | Stefanovic, Nenad B. | The level of awareness of the field of Orthodontics among medically related personnel |
Year | Researcher | Project Title |
2005 | Buchanan, William C., Jr. | Malocclusion as a risk factor in the etiology of headache in children |
2005 | Lambourne, Kevin Chad | Dental malocclusion as a risk factor in the etiology of headaches in children and adolescents: A study model analysis |
2005 | Lundner, Aaron S. | Comparison of comprehensive cast analysis on plaster and digital study models |
2006 | Al-Awwad, Alaa. | Cephalometric norms of the population of the state of Kuwait |
2006 | Alexander, Kristen Michelle | A clinical evaluation of the effects of oral irrigation on the gingival health of adult orthodontic patients |
2006 | Chen, Robert Yen Po. | Heritability of occlusal traits in primary dentitions of Brazilian twins |
2006 | Dunlavey, Kevin D. | The prevalence of dental agenesis in an orthodontic population |
2006 | Mattiacio, Brian L | The effects of computer-aided inciso-gingival maxillary lateral incisor movement on ratings of smile attractiveness |
2007 | Aloufi, Fitin. | Changes in the pharyngeal airway associated with rapid maxillary expansion: A retrospective cephalometric study |
2007 | Bevilacqua, Ryann. | Cervical vertebrae morphology used for skeletal maturation determination: The reliability of staging |
2007 | Bolton, Robert P. | Treatment effects of the Bimler functional appliance on Class II division 2 malocclusion |
2007 | Clauss, Mark R. | Cephalometric changes observed following long term use of the Bimler functional appliance in Class II division 1 malocclusions |
2007 | Gregg, Benjamin R. | A survey of Invisalign ClinCheck modifications and the types of cases treated using Invisalign: General dentists vs. orthodontists |
2007 | Pancko, Nancy Kate. | Evaluation of skeletal asymmetry in patients with posterior crossbites |
2008 | Makhsida, Mhd Hazem. | Effect of the Bimler functional appliance treatment on Class III patients |
2008 | Yousefi, Babak. | Effect of the Bimler functional appliance treatment on Class II division 1 patients |
2009 | Caban, Michael D. | Post-orthodontic treatment questionnaire for patients and guardians |
2009 | Fetouh, Omar. | Comparison of treatment outcome of Invisalign® and traditional fixed orthodontics by model analysis using ABO Objective Grading System |
2009 | Gleason, James F. | Questionnaire to measure patients' expectations of orthodontic treatment in the University at Buffalo orthodontic clinic |
2009 | Jones, Neal LeBaron. | Response of orthodontic materials to extreme temperatures |
2009 | Wong, Debby H | Comparison of two self-etch primers and a fluoride sealant on shear bond strength of precoated brackets |
Year | Researcher | Project Title |
2010 | Anderson, William C. | Questionnaire to measure patients' expectations of orthodontic treatment in two rural private orthodontic practices |
2010 | Aszkler, Robert M. | American Board of Orthodontics - model grading assessment: A comparison of post-treatment and post-retention models |
2010 | Burlingame, Michelle L. | The effects of an Anterior Bolton Discrepancy on the long term stability of lower incisors |
2010 | Condie, Jared H. | Evaluation of the University at Buffalo orthodontic resident's finished cases with the American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index and Objective Grading System |
2010 | Kassas, Waseem | Assessment of Invisalign treatment outcome by model analysis using the ABO objective grading system |
2010 | Littlejohn, Rodney D. | Post-orthodontic perceptions of patients and guardians in a private practice setting |
2010 | Molon, Jeremy J. | Patients and parents perceptions of orthodontic treatment in private versus teaching settings |
2011 | Alamiri, Athari. | The prevalence of dental anomalies in orthodontic patients at the State University of New York at Buffalo |
2011 | Bowman, Amy C. | Patient experiences with the forsus fatigue resistant device |
2011 | Loretoni, Kersden Rose | Orthodontic treatment motivation and cooperation |
2011 | Majeroni, David William. | Removable distalizing appliance (The Shamy): A three-dimensional tooth movement analysis after appliance use and subsequent fixed treatment |
2012 | Elias, Wael. | Soft tissue analysis of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and Williams syndrome patients and their deviation from norm |
2012 | French Hamilton, Carla A. | Patient perceptions of the Carriere Distalizer appliance |
2012 | Moll, Eva-Maria. | Treatment effects of the Twin Block functional appliance and the Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance (MARA) in patients with Class II malocclusions |
2012 | Qureshi, Zohair M. | Chewing Performance of TMD vs. Controls: A New Experimental Model |
2013 | Al-Jewair, Thikriat. | Treatment Effects of the Edgewise Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance (MARA) in Patients with Class II Malocclusions: A Cephalometric Study |
2013 | Alqahtani, Nasser | Perception of dental professionals and laypersons to altered mandibular incisors crowding |
2013 | Alsultan, Mohammed A. | Treatment Timing in a Group of Patients Treated with the Bimler Removable Functional Appliance |
2013 | Hanoun, Abdulfatah | Treatment Effects of the Forsus Fatigue Resistance Device and Twin Block Appliance in Patients with Class II Malocclusions: A Cephalometric Comparison Study |
2013 | Jarosh-Wolfe, Adina B. | A Retrospective Study: Treatment timing of the CVMS in Conventional Orthodontics vs. that of Functional Appliances |
2013 | Lamb, Taylor Jane. | Orthodontic Treatment and Parental Motivation and Cooperation |
2014 | Allaymouni, Mhd Amer. | Comparison of forsus fatigue resistant device and crown herbst in treatment of class ii malocclusion |
2014 | Alshebly, Mohamad N. | A Comparison of The Treatment Effects of the 3D Bimetric Distalizing Arch (3D-BMDA) and Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device (FRD) In Patients with Class II Malocclusion (A Cephalometric Study) |
2014 | Hyun, Paul. | Patient compliance with orthodontic removable retainers: A pilot study |
2014 | Nanda, Munisha. | Accuracy and reliability of plaster and digital study models produced by OrthoCAD |
2015 | Almunajjed Allahham, Nour. | Comparison of mandibular anterior repositioning appliance (MARA) and Crown Herbst in treatment of Class II malocclusion |
2015 | Dayan, David. | Accuracy of 3-dimensional Printing of Orthodontic Study Models by the Objet30 OrthoDesk Printer |
2015 | Gandia, Cassandra. | The effect of Invisalign on the articulation of speech |
2015 | Lazzara, David B. | Stability of rapid maxillary expansion in adolescence: A long-term evaluation following fixed appliances |
2015 | Palmer, John Anthony, III. | A comparison of orthodontic adhesive removal methods: Introducing the Er:YAG laser technique |
2016 | Alqahtani, Hamad | Reproducibility of cervical vertebrae maturation method |
2016 | Altemose, Mindy L | Photoelastic stress analysis of mandibular canine distalization via different retraction methods |
2016 | Guan, Huiyan | 3D scaffold with VEGF/FGF9 conjugated fibrin, Nano Calcium Sulfate and BMP2 genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells promotes vascularized bone formation |
2016 | Kurtzner, Brian William. | Effectiveness of dental arch expansion: A preliminary study of two customized fixed lingual orthodontic systems |
2016 | Nielsen, Briklin Owen. | Mandibular plane extremes and their respective anterior facial height |
2016 | Ortiz, Pamela M | The association between Sella Turcica bridging and maxillary palatal canine impaction: A CBCT study |
2017 | Acevedo, Ashley Marie. | Diagnostic Accuracy of Synthetic Lateral Cephalograms and Cone Beam CT for the Assessment of Sella Turcica Bridging |
2017 | Alhoraibi, Lina. | Long-Term Effects Induced by the Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device in Class II Malocclusion Patients Treated at Pre-Peak, Peak, And Post-Peak Growth Periods |
2017 | Alqahtani, Ayed. | Bolton Tooth Size Discrepancy in Caucasians with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion |
2017 | Alqahtani, Mohammad. | Effect of Diode Laser-Irradiation Through Topically Applied Fluoride on Masking White Spot Lesions of Enamel |
2017 | Henick, Douglas | Effects of Invisalign (G5) with Virtual Bite Ramps for Skeletal Deep Overbite Malocclusion Correction in Adults |
2017 | Manzella, Kevin. | Dental Effects of the Ni-Ti Memoria® Leaf Spring Activated Expander: A Controlled Clinical Study |
2017 | Marghalani, Hussain. | Quantitative Evaluation of the Mandibular Symphysis in Adults With Different Skeletal Severities |
2017 | Ryan, Valerie A. | Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes in a Postgraduate Orthodontic Program: A Three-Year Assessment (2013-2016) |
2018 | Hasanin, Majd | A CBCT Assessment of Craniofacial Morphology, Malocclusion and Airway in Orthodontic Patients with ADHD |
2018 | Hohlen, Brian | Effect of over the counter whitening on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets: an in-vitro study |
2018 | Kaplan, Sarah | From Novice to Expert: An Evaluation of the Examination Performance of Orthodontic Residents and Experienced Orthodontists of Lateral Cephalometric Images |
2018 | Lai, Connie | A Comparison of Ultraviolet Light and White Light in the Detection of Adhesive During Orthodontic Debonding: An In-Vitro Study |
2018 | Nagshabandi, Rawan | Accuracy of digital models using american board cast-radiographic evaluation |
2018 | Zhu, Xing | Philtrum dimension changes associated with extraction orthodontic treatment |
2019 | Abubotain, Ghadeer | A retrospective comparative cross-sectional cbct study of the maxillary sinus dimensions and pneumatization in adults with class ii skeletal anterior open bite |
2019 | Covington Riddle, Paige | Mechanobehavior and Mandibular Posterior Vertical Height in Adults of Different Facial Types |
2019 | Fraser, James | Evaluation of alveolar bone thickness and mandibular incisor inclination: a cbct analysis |
2019 | Kurtzner, Kevin | A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Invisalign Treatment on Upper Pharyngeal Airway Dimensions in Adults with Class II Malocclusion: A CBCT Pilot Study |
2019 | Shibeika, Dina | Correlation Between Sitting Height and Vertical Face Dimensions in Class I African Black Adolescents |
2019 | Taha, Khaled | Effects of Vibrational Appliances on Orthodontic Tooth Movement and Patient Discomfort |
2019 | Tawila, Sami | Upper airway dimensions in Adult African American patients treated with four first premolar extraction 2019 |
Year | Researcher | Project Title |
2020 | Bajaj, Shruti | Effectiveness of Dental Class II Malocclusion Correction with Invisalign as Compared to Fixed Appliances in Non Growing Individuals |
2020 | Binhuwaishel, Lamia Abdulaziz | Proximity Differences of Maxillary Posterior Root Apices to the Maxillary Sinus Floor According to Different Skeletal Patterns: A Retrospective CBCT Study |
2020 | Bond, Charles T. | A Cephalometric Study of Class II Malocclusions Treated with the Carriere Motion Appliance |
2020 | Colaiacovo, Stephanie Lynn. | Comparison of Extraction and Non-Extraction Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Anterior Open Bites and Hyperdivergent Mandibular Plane Angles |
2020 | Pai, Chia-Hua. | Characterization of Oral Microbiome in Clear Aligner Treatment Patients |
2020 | Youssef, Al-Shaheen. | Comparison of Bleaching Agent Applied to White Spot Lesions Before or After Resin Infiltration: An In Vitro Study |
2021 | Abufarwa, Moufida. | Testing the Effect of Acid Etching Enamel Surface Prior to Cpp-Acp Fluoride Varnish Application Compared to Light-Curable Fluoride Varnish |
2021 | Albawardi, Abdullah. | Friction Forces Generated by Esthetic TiNbTaZr (GUMMETAL) Orthodontic ArchWires |
2021 | Chung, Grace. | Optimal UV Illumination Parameters to Discern Fluorescent Orthodontic Adhesive Remnants during Debonding |
2021 | Daljeet, Mira. | Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Bone Mineral Density in Adults |
2021 | Saleh, Afra. | Automated Mandibular Movement Monitoring During Rapid Maxillary Expansion |
2021 | Urichianu, Mihai. | Comparison of Shear Bond Strength and Morphology of New and Rebonded Ceramic Brackets |
2022 | Alawami, Sukaynah. | Assessment of Craniofacial Growth Pattern Relative to Respiratory Mandibular Movement and Sleep Characteristics |
2022 | Al-Zainal, Mohammed Hussain | Efficacy and Comfort Level with Non-Sliding Lingual Orthodontic Technique (Brius™) Versus Labial Fixed Appliances: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Pilot Trial |
2022 | Anvery, Sarah | The Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Orthodontically Induced Inflammatory Root Resorption: A Retrospective Study |
2022 | Fluger, Kimberly. | Mandibular Movement Analysis During Sleep Following Class II Correction with a Herbst Functional Mandibular Advancement Appliance |
2022 | Ravlyk, Lubomyr. | Comparison of TiNb (GUMMETAL®) and Stainless-Steel Alloy during Canine Retraction: A Split-Mouth Randomized Clinical Pilot Trial |
2022 | Zhou, Alan. | Effects of Various Coating Methods on the Mechanical, Physical and Esthetic Properties of GUMMETAL® Archwires |
2023 | Gompers, Erik. | A Comparison of the Effects of Chlorhexidine Hexametaphosphate and Silver Nanoparticle Antimicrobials on the Mechanical and Esthetic Properties of Elastomeric Chain |
2023 | Husain, Fatemah | Influence of Invisalign’s Precision Bite Ramps on Deep Bite Correction and Root Length in Adults |
2023 | Koch, Ryan. | Detection of Sleep Bruxism with Automated Mandibular Movement Monitoring in Children and Adolescents |
2023 | Lowe, Ronald J., III. | Teleorthodontics: Perception and Reliability of Virtually Obtained Records for Orthodontic Decision Making |
2023 | Newton, Alexandria Mary. | Carriere Motion Appliance Versus Class II Elastics for Class II Correction With Clear Aligner Treatment |
2023 | Shim, Laura J | Comparing the Effects of a Diode Laser and LED Curing Light With Topically Applied Fluoride for the Treatment of White Spot Lesions |