How to Apply

This is your hub for learning how to apply to the International Dentistry Program at UB.

Application Timeline Application Instructions TOEFL Requirements
Aerial View of University at Buffalo South Campus with building, trees, and skyline.

Application Instructions

  • The International Dentist Program participates in the ADEA Centralized Application for Advanced Placement for International Dentists (CAAPID). 
  • Refer here to find the details on all 7 steps to apply to our IDP Program.

Step 1: Prepare to apply through CAAPID

  • Application to the University at Buffalo IDP program is through the ADEA Centralized Application for Advanced Placement for International Dentists (CAAPID). 
  • Learn how to apply through CAAPID with the links below:

Step 2: Complete the CAAPID Application

CAAPID Application

Complete your CAAPID Application to our IDP Program:

These documents must be submitted to your CAAPID application for admission consideration:

1) Transcripts and ECE Evaluations

  • Applicants must submit a detailed Educational Credential Evaluator [ECE] course-by-course evaluation to ADEA CAAPID. 
  • Our school does not accept the World Education Services [WES] evaluation.

2) NBDE Scores

  • Our program requires passage of Part I NBDE or Integrated NDBE (INDBE) to be considered for admission. 
  • Applicants who have passed NBDE Part II or INDBE will be given preference for admission.
  • You must make arrangements to submit official NBDE scores to CAAPID directly. Please do not send NBDE or INBDE scores directly to our admissions office. 
  • Our committee must see official NBDE score reports in your CAAPID portal by our June 15, 2025 admissions deadline.

3) Letters of Evaluation

  • Applicants must submit three letters of evaluation through the ADEA CAAPID portal. No additional letters will be accepted.
  • Letters can be no older than three years. For the 2026 CAAPID cycle, our committee will only accept recommendations from 2023, 2024, and 2025.
  • We recommend obtaining evaluation letters from academic faulty or dental professionals who can best attest to your skills, abilities, and personal attributes. However, evaluation letters may come from any individual.
  • Please do not send letters directly to the University at Buffalo
  • Letters submitted via e-mail or by paper mail outside the CAAPID portal will not be considered.
  • If your reference is having difficulty submitting their recommendation letter via the CAAPID portal, please have them call 617-612-2045 for assistance.
  • Please inform your evaluators the importance of submitting their letters prior to our admissions deadline.

4) TOEFL Scores

  • The TOEFL Exam is required to apply for the University at Buffalo International Dentist Program (IDP).

Step 3: Pay the Suplemental Application Fee to UB by the Deadline

UB Supplemental Application Fee vs. CAAPID Application Fee

Please note the $100.00 USD Supplemental application fee is a separate fee from the ADEA CAAPID application fee.  

  • In order for your IDP application to be processed and reviewed, we must receive your $100.00 supplemental application fee.  

UB Supplemental Fee

There is a $100 USD Supplemental application fee required to apply to the University at Buffalo IDP Program. This application fee: 
  • The supplemental fee must be received by the IDP Admissions Committee by the June 15, 2025 application deadline.
  • The application fee is non-refundable and is not credited toward any charges when an accepted applicant registers as a student.
  • We require electronic submission of the application fee via credit card or e-check.
  • After submitting your online CAAPID application to the University at Buffalo, applicants will receive an e-mail with supplemental application fee payment instructions. 

Step 4: Receive a Bench test and Interview Invitation

  • Following initial review of applications, interviews will be granted on a rolling basis. The Admissions Committee will review all applicants, but will only invite qualified applicants to participate in the interview process.
  • Interviews are by invitation only. The interview process consists of an orientation to the School of Dental Medicine, faculty interview, and a bench testing pre-clinical exercise. The fee to sit for the bench test is non-refundable. 
  • The Admissions Office will contact selected candidates directly via e-mail, and will provide more information about the interview. All candidates are expected to confirm their attendance for the interview.
  • Candidates invited to interview will be provided with detailed information on how to remit the bench testing fee, and how to plan their travel to Buffalo for the interview and bench testing. Each interviewee is responsible for his or her own visa, travel and expenses.

Step 5: Take IDP Bench Test

The Bench Test is required for International Dentist Program admission consideration.

  • The IDP Bench Test is administered to assess each candidate's clinical knowledge and hand skill proficiency.
  •  Bench Test information will only be provided to those candidates invited to bench test and interview.
  • Those candidates who successfully pass the bench test, will be invited to interview in person at the School of Dental Medicine. In-person interviews will take place either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. You will be notified of your interview date and time by Wednesday morning after your bench test.
  • Candidates MUST remain in Buffalo after completing their bench test in order to participate in the in-person interview session.  
  • Bench Tests & Interviews are granted by invitation only.

Step 6: Attend an Interview (If Invited)

Attend an Interview

The interview is required for International Dentist Program admission consideration.

  • Personal interviews are required for admission to the International Dentist Program at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine.
  • Additional information will be provided to those candidates offered the opportunity to bench test and interview with our school. 

Step 7: Wait for a final admission decision

Wait for a Decision

  • Upon completion of the interview process, the IDP Admissions Committee will evaluate and offer provisional acceptances to those selected.
  • Admission offers generally begin two to three weeks after bench test and interviews are completed for all students. However, our committee will continue to make offers until our IDP class is full.


  • IDP Admissions
    School of Dental Medicine
    315 Squire Hall
    University at Buffalo
    Buffalo, NY  14214