The International Dentist Program participates in the ADEA Centralized Application for Advanced Placement for International Dentists (CAAPID). Refer here to find the details on all 6 steps to apply to our IDP Program.
Application to the University at Buffalo IDP program is through the ADEA Centralized Application for Advanced Placement for International Dentists (CAAPID). Learn how to apply through CAAPID with the links below.
Complete your CAAPID Application to our IDP Program:
After your online CAAPID application has been submitted to the University at Buffalo, applicants will receive an e-mail from our school with supplemental application fee payment instructions.
Please note the $100.00 USD Supplemental application fee is a separate fee from the ADEA CAAPID application fee.
In order for your IDP application to be processed and reviewed, we must receive your $100.00 supplemental application fee.
Personal interviews are required for the International Dentist Program at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine.
Upon completion of the interview process, the Admissions Committee will evaluate and offer provisional acceptances to those selected.
Admission offers generally begin two to three weeks after bench test and interviews are completed for all students. However, our committee will continue to make offers until our IDP class is full.
Phone: 716-829-6926
Fax: 716-829-2731
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F
IDP Admissions
School of Dental Medicine
315 Squire Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14214