Your financial aid information for loans and funds can be found here.
International Dentist Program participants who plan to apply for loans to fund participation in the International Dentist Program must be aware that you will need to apply for 3 SEPERATE loans (One for the Summer semester and one for each academic year).
This is necessary because loans for the Continuing Education Summer Program will be certified by the School of Dental Medicine Continuing Dental Education Office (CDE), whereas the loans for the standard tuition and fees you will pay for the Fall / Spring semesters during the two academic years of the program will be certified if you apply and qualify for them, by the University at Buffalo Financial Aid Office.
The University at Buffalo bills students for Tuition and Fees each Fall and Spring semester.
Payment plans are available for students who wish to break their semester bills into several, smaller payments. For more information, please visit the UB Student Accounts
Please Note:
Penalties for Non-Payment: Service Indicators / Holds are assigned each term to every bill that is not paid in full.
The service indicator / hold prohibits: registration for subsequent semesters; sending of transcripts and diplomas; and release of any information about your academic career.
Phone: 716-829-6926
Fax: 716-829-2731
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F
IDP Admissions
School of Dental Medicine
315 Squire Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14214