Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Concentration

A concentration in oral and maxillofacial surgery is offered to senior (D4) students who are considering the specialty as a career. Enrollment is limited to five individuals who will be applying to the oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training programs for specialty education. 


  • Academic Standing: Students must be in good standing at the School of Dental Medicine and current in their graduation requirements (i.e. not on probation). Individuals with grade point averages (GPA) above 3.2 and class rank in the top 1/3 will be given preference. 

  • Submission of a current CV (resume): This should include previous education, class rank, current GPA, Part I National Board Scores, academic honors, and pertinent extracurricular activities. 

  • Personal Interview: A personal interview with the director of the concentration, Dr. Robert Cronyn. 


  • Participation in at least 45 hours of didactic instruction in oral and maxillofacial surgery elective courses. Electives provided by the department include: 
    • OSU 900/901: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seminar
    • OSU 902/903: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical Case Conference
    • OSU 904/905: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Literature Seminar
    • OSU 906/907: Orthognathic Conference
    • OSU 864/865: Lasers in Dentistry
  • Completion of an externship in oral and maxillofacial surgery at an institution outside the University at Buffalo. The externship should be for a minimum of one week in length and should be to an institution that sponsors an oral and maxillofacial surgery training program.
  • Participation in two trauma on-call experiences at Erie County Medical Center. The student will be expected to respond to all emergency calls to the oral and maxillofacial surgery services during the time on-call. 
  • Participation in two operating room surgical cases. The student will be expected to scrub and actively participate in the surgical management of the patient, including post-operative rounds. 
  • Presentation at an oral surgery seminar. Each student will be expected to give a 20-minute presentation at one of the scheduled clinical case conferences.